We are a
transitional/bridge, emergency, rapid re-housing, and affordable housing program that operates solely to meet the needs of Anson County residents. We recognize the shortage of good, safe and dignified housing in the county and we are all too aware of the plight of our homeless population. It is our mission to provide housing based on each case’s needs, and to empower our residents and program participants with the life skills necessary to be successful and live as productive members of society. To this end, we provide financial literacy programs, and case management that partners closely with each family or individual to set and achieve goals. Through mentorship, we endeavor to keep our residents engaged, encouraged and energized so that they may strengthen their own self-worth and self-actualization.

Our Vision is an Anson County…
Where equality, unity, and justice exist for all residents, and each person's dignity is sacred and uplifted, so there is no homelessness, hunger, or barriers to services that support the actualization of human potential.
Our Mission is…
to provide housing to those in need through bridge, affordable, emergency, and rapid rehousing. We will also work with other like-minded agencies, organizations, faith communities, and individuals to help end hunger, poverty, domestic violence, and racism so that we may concentrate on empowering our residents with the life skills necessary to be successful members of society.